argparse subparser

If you take a look at the argparse documentation, they suggest to use set_defaults on each of the parsers to associate a processing function depending on which parser is selected. So if you do that then you can get rid of the try/except blocks, which woul

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  • I think this must be easy but I do not get it. Assume I have the following arparse parser:...
    python - argparse: identify which subparser was used - Stack ...
  • The argparse module makes it easy to write user-friendly command-line interfaces. The prog...
    15.4. argparse — Parser for command-line options, arguments ...
  • 注册用户可以上传自己的文档、查询自己的翻译历史等:
    argparse - 一译中文文档
  • If you take a look at the argparse documentation, they suggest to use set_defaults on each...
    python - Argparse with subparsers - Code Review Stack ...
  • Edit: Please see quornian's answer to this question, which is better than mine and sho...
    argparse: identify which subparser was used (Python) - ...
  • Argparse determines the number of argument based on the action specified, for our verbose ...
    Python Argparse Cookbook –
  • Insert the following to be able to specify aliases in subparser definitions in 2.6 and 2.7...
    ruamel.std.argparse 0.8.1 : Python Package Index
  • Argparse Tutorial author: Tshepang Lekhonkhobe This tutorial is intended to be a gentle in...
    Argparse Tutorial — Python 3.6.3 documentation
  • 我的 argparse 有只有 3 标志 (store_true) 在顶部水平,一切都通过 subparsers 处理。当我运行 --help时,输出显示像正常...
    argparse subparser 单片帮助输出 - 广瓜网